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Modeling the response of dual cross-linked nanoparticle networks to mechanical deformation
, I.G. Salib, V.V. Yashin, T. Kowalewski, K. Matyjaszewski, A.C. Balazs
Published in Royal Society of Chemistry
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Pages: 109 - 121
We develop a hybrid computational model for the behavior of a network of cross-linked polymer-grafted nanoparticles (PGNs). The individual nanoparticles are composed of a rigid core and a corona of grafted polymers that encompass reactive end groups. With the overlap of the coronas on adjacent particles, the reactive end groups can form permanent or labile bonds, which lead to the formation of a "dual cross-linked" network. To capture these multi-scale interactions, our approach integrates the essential structural features of the polymer grafted nanoparticles, the interactions between the overlapping coronas, and the kinetics of bond formation and rupture between the reactive groups on the chain ends. Via this model, we determine the tensile properties of the dual cross-linked samples. We find that the mechanical behavior of the network can be tailored by altering the bond energies of the labile bonds, the fraction of permanent bonds in the network and the thickness of the polymer corona. In particular, for a network with weaker labile bonds, an increase in fraction of permanent bonds and the contour length of the chain can yield a tough network that behaves like a polymeric material, which exhibits cold drawing/necking. On the other hand, similar changes to the network with stronger labile bonds lead to an increase in toughness, with the network characteristics being similar to that of a purely ductile material. Variations in the ratio between the strain rate and the bond rupture rate are also found to affect the response of the networks. Our model provides a powerful approach for predicting how critical features of the system affect the performance of cross-linked polymer-grafted nanoparticles. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013.
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