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Mobile phone based acoustic localization for wireless sensor networks
M. Amarlingam, , M. Yoshida, K. Yoshihara
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Pages: 658 - 662
In wireless sensor networks, localization techniques are required for finding physical location of the sensor nodes. Most of the existing 2D and 3D localization schemes are reference based. Finding physical locations of sensor nodes in an application field with only 2D or 3D physical topology map or logical topology map is arduous and tedious. This paper refers to mobile phone based acoustic localization technique for wireless sensor networks, which can be used along with physical topology map or logical topology map. In our proposed method, deployer searches the sensor node by using Doppler effect of acoustic wave, which is generated by his mobility. The proposed method helps in quick localizing of the sensor nodes without consuming much time and it has been implemented, tested by using mobile phone and IITH motes, the in-house developed sensor nodes. © 2015 IEEE.