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Microstructure and mechanical properties of Inconel 718 electron beam welds
, A. Venugopal Reddy, K. Prasad Rao, G. Madhusudhan Reddy
Published in
Volume: 21
Issue: 10
Pages: 1132 - 1138
Bead on plate, full penetration electron beam welds were produced in 2 mm thickness sheets of Inconel 718 in the solution treated condition. Welds were subjected to an aging treatment with and without post-weld solution treatment. Weld microstructures, high temperature tensile properties and stress rupture properties were evaluated. The as welded fusion zone showed a considerable amount of interdendritic niobium segregation and brittle intermetallic Laves phase. The tensile and stress rupture properties of the welds after post-weld aging treatment were found to be inferior in relation to the base metal. Post-weld solution treatment at 980°C was found to result in partial dissolution of Laves phase, some reduction in niobium segregation and the formation of δ phase needles around the Laves particles. The use of 980°C solution treatment was found to improve the weld properties to some extent, although not to the level of the base metal. The reasons for this behaviour are discussed, correlating microstructures, fracture features and mechanical properties. © 2005 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.
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JournalMaterials Science and Technology