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Mechanically Reconfigurable Organic Photonic Integrated Circuits Made from Two Electronically Different Flexible Microcrystals
J. Ravi, , A.V. Kumar, R. Chandrasekar
Published in John Wiley and Sons Inc
Volume: 31
Issue: 25
Fabrication of microscale organic photonic integrated circuits (μ-OPIC) from two electronically different flexible crystals via a mechanophotonics approach is demonstrated here. The experiments focus on the mechanical micromanipulation of orange-emitting (E)-1-(4-(dimethylamino)-phenyl)iminomethyl-2-hydroxyl-naphthalene (DPIN) and green-emitting (E)-1-(4-bromo)iminomethyl-2-hydroxyl-naphthalene (BPIN) crystals with atomic force cantilever tip. The flexibility of these crystals originate from molecular H-bonding, CH∙∙∙π, and π···π stacking interactions. These mechanically compliant crystals form exceedingly bent and photonically relevant reconfigurable geometries during micromanipulation, including three μ-OPICs. Remarkably, these μ-OPICs operate through passive-, active-waveguiding and energy transfer mechanisms. Depending upon the crystal's electronic nature (either BPIN or DPIN) receiving the optical signal input, the circuit executes mechanism-selective and direction-specific optical outputs. The presented proof-of-principle concepts can be used to fabricate complex photonic circuits with diverse, flexible crystals performing multiple optical functions. © 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH
About the journal
JournalAdvanced Functional Materials
PublisherJohn Wiley and Sons Inc