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Measurements in a combustor operated on alternative liquid fuels
L. Jiang, , R.P. Taylor, A.K. Agrawal
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Diminishing fossil fuel resources, ever-increasing energy cost, and the mounting concerns for environmental emissions have precipitated worldwide research on alternative fuels. Present study demonstrates low-emission combustion of diesel, biodiesel and straight vegetable oil (VO) is a dual-fuel burner employing flow blurring (FB) injector concept for fuel atomization. Measurements of temperature and CO and NOx emissions are acquired at various axial and radial locations within the combustor. A custom-designed thermocouple probe and a helium product gas sampling probe are employed to obtain the measurements. Infra-red images to depict combustor wall temperatures and visual flame images to demonstrated clean combustion are also presented. Results show that the FB injector ensured fine atomization of all three fuels irrespective of significant differences in their kinematic viscosity and surface tension properties. Copyright © 2012 by Ajay K Agrawal.
About the journal
Journal50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition