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Magnetoresistance of Fe3 O4 -graphene- Fe3 O4 junctions
Z.-M. Liao, H.-C. Wu, J.-J. Wang, G.L.W. Cross, , I.V. Shvets, G.S. Duesberg
Published in
Volume: 98
Issue: 5
The magnetoresistance (MR) of Fe3 O4 -graphene- Fe3 O4 junctions has been experimentally studied at different temperatures. It is found that a barrier exists at the Fe3 O4 /graphene interface. The existence of the interfacial barrier was further confirmed by the nonlinear I-V characteristics and nonmetallic temperature dependence of the interfacial resistance. Moreover, spin dependent transport at the interfaces contributes -1.6% MR to the whole device at room temperature and can be regulated by an external electric field. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.
About the journal
JournalApplied Physics Letters