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Local learning of item dissimilarity using content and link structure
A. De, , N. Ganguly, P. Mitra
Published in
Pages: 221 - 224
In the Recommendation Problem, it is often important to find a set of items similar to a particular item or a group of items. This problem of finding similar items for the recommendation task may also be viewed as a link prediction problem in a network, where the items can be treated as the nodes. The strength of the edge connecting two items rep- resents the similarity between the items. In this context, a central challenge is to suitably define an appropriate dissimilarity function between the items. For content based recommender systems, the dissimilarity function should take into account the individual attributes of the items. The same at- tribute may have different importances in different parts of the underlying network. We focus on the problem of learning a suitable dissimilarity function between items and address it by formulating it as a constrained optimization problem which captures the local weightages of the attributes in different regions of the graph. The constraints are imposed in such a way that the non-connected nodes show higher value of dissimilarity than the connected nodes. The local tuning of the weights learns the optimal value of weights in various parts of the network: from the portions having rich graph information to the portions having only content informtion. Detailed experimentation shows the superiority of the proposed algorithm over the Adamic Adar metric as well as logistic regression methodology. Copyright © 2012 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. (ACM).
About the journal
JournalRecSys'12 - Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems