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LiMn0.8Fe0.2PO4: An advanced cathode material for rechargeable lithium batteries
, J. Grinblat, O. Haik, E. Zinigrad, T. Drezen, J.H. Miners, I. Exnar, A. Kay, B. Markovsky, D. Aurbach
Published in
Volume: 48
Issue: 45
Pages: 8559 - 8563
Capable and efficient: Carbon-coated nanoparticlesof LiMn 0.8Fe0.2PO4 (see TEM image) synthesized by a solid-state reaction were found to be an excellent cathode material for lithium-ion batteries: A stable reversible capacity of up to 165 mA hg -1 was observed, along with excellent cycling, very fast rate capabilities, excellent thermal stability, and very low surface reactivity in lithium-battery electrolyte solutions. © 2009 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
About the journal
JournalAngewandte Chemie - International Edition