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Laser diagnostics for characterization of sprays formed by a collapsing non-equilibrium bubble
Published in Institute of Physics Publishing
Volume: 656
Issue: 1
In this paper, we investigate the use of laser diagnostic tools for in-plane imaging of bubble induced spray using a laser sheet and Mie scattering technique. A perspex plate of thickness 10 mm with a hole of diameter 1 mm in the center is placed in the middle of a glass tank filled with water such that the top surface of the plate coincides with the water surface. A bubble is created just below the hole using a low-voltage spark circuit such that it expands against the hole. This leads to the formation of two jets which impact leading to a spray and break-up into droplets. The spray evolution is observed using a laser sheet directed in a plane through the center of the hole. The illuminated plane is imaged using a high-speed camera based on the Mie scattering from glass beads suspended in the liquid. Results show that Mie scattering technique has potential in studying bubble-induced sprays with applications such as in fuel sprays, drug-delivery etc, and also for validation of numerical codes. We present results from our ongoing experiments in this paper.
About the journal
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
PublisherInstitute of Physics Publishing