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K(Th0.75Sr0.25)2Se6: Structural Change Resulting from the Disorder of Differently Charged Cations
A. Mesbah, , J.C. Beard, C.D. Malliakas, J.A. Ibers
Published in American Chemical Society
PMID: 29888908
Volume: 57
Issue: 13
Pages: 7877 - 7880
Single crystals of K(Th0.75Sr0.25)2Se6 were obtained by a standard solid-state chemistry route at 1173 K. This compound does not belong to the AAn2Q6 family (A = K, Rb, Cs, or Tl; An = Th, U, or Np; Q = S, Se, or Te) that possesses infinite Q-Q-Q chains and where a charge distribution of A+, 2 × An4+, 2 × Q2-, 2 × (Q22.5-) has been proposed and hence a charge of -1.25 on Q of the "dichalcogenide". Rather in K(Th0.75Sr0.25)2Se6, where the Th and Sr cations randomly occupy the same site, incorporation of these differently charged cations breaks the infinite Se-Se-Se chains into a structure that has typical Se22- pairs. © 2018 American Chemical Society.
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JournalData powered by TypesetInorganic Chemistry
PublisherData powered by TypesetAmerican Chemical Society