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Interface dominated biferroic La0.6 Sr0.4 Mn O3 0.7Pb (Mg13 Nb23) O3 -0.3PbTi O3 epitaxial superlattices
A.R. Chaudhuri, , S.B. Krupanidhi, R.V.K. Mangalam, A. Sundaresan
Published in
Volume: 90
Issue: 12
Superlattices composed of ferromagnetic La0.6 Sr0.4 Mn O3 and ferroelectric 0.7Pb (Mg13 Nb23) O3 -0.3 (PbTi O3) layers were fabricated on (100) LaAl O3 substrates by pulsed laser deposition technique. The ferromagnetic and frequency independent ferroelectric hysteresis characteristics established the biferroic nature of the superlattices. Influence of magnetic field was observed in tuning the P-E characteristics of the superlattices. A similar effect was observed on application of a high dc electric field to the samples. The nature of the observed ferroelectric properties and their modulation by applied magnetic and electric fields were thus discussed in connection to the ferroelectric/ ferromagnetic interfaces. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
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JournalApplied Physics Letters