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Indirect tissue scaffold fabrication via fused deposition modeling and biomimetic mineralization
J. Bernardo, , C.B. Williams, A.R. Whittington
Published in University of Texas at Austin (freeform)
Pages: 570 - 582
To alleviate material limitations of the additive manufacture of tissue scaffolds, researchers have looked to indirect fabrication approaches. The feature resolution of these processes is limited however, due to the viscous ceramic slurries that are typically employed. To alleviate these limitations, the authors look to an indirect fabrication process wherein a pattern, created using Fused Deposition Modeling, is biomimetically mineralized with an aqueous simulated body fluid, which forms a bonelike hydroxyapatite throughout the scaffold pattern. Mineralized patters are then heat treated to pyrolyze the pattern and sinter the minerals. With this process, scaffolds were created with wall thicknesses as small as 150 μm and internal channel diameters of 280-340 μm, an appropriate range for bone tissue engineering.
About the journal
Journal22nd Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium - An Additive Manufacturing Conference, SFF 2011
PublisherUniversity of Texas at Austin (freeform)