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Impact of dispersant on crude oil content of airborne fine particulate matter emitted from seawater after an oil spill
N. Afshar-Mohajer, A. Lam, , J. Katz, A.M. Rule, K. Koehler
Published in Elsevier Ltd
PMID: 32438130
Volume: 256
Inhalation of PM2.5, particles with an aerodynamic diameter <2.5 μm, from sea spray after crude oil spills could present serious health concerns. The addition of dispersants to effectively spread the crude oil throughout the water column has been practiced in recent years. Here, we investigated the possibility of an increase in the toxic content of fine PM after adding dispersant. A laboratory setup consisted of a vertical tank filled with seawater, 31.5 L airspace for aerosol sampling, and a bubble generating nozzle that aerosolized the oily droplets. Four different cases were studied: no slick, 0.5-mm-thick slick of pure crude oil (MC252 surrogate), dispersant (Corexit 9500A) mixed with crude oil at dispersant to oil ratio (DOR) 1:25, and DOR 1:100. The resulting airborne droplets were sampled for gravimetric and chemical analyses through development of a gas chromatography and mass spectrometry technique. Also, PM2.5 particles were size-fractioned into 13 size bins covering <60 nm to 12.1 μm using a low-pressure cascade impactor. The highest PM2.5 concentration (20.83 ± 5.21 μg/m3) was released from a slick of DOR 1:25, 8.83× greater than the case with pure crude oil. The average ratio of crude oil content from the slick of DOR 1:25 to the case with pure crude oil was 2.37 (1.83 vs 0.77 μg/m3) that decreased to 1.17 (0.90 vs 0.77 μg/m3) at DOR 1:100. For particles <220 nm, the resultant crude oil concentrations were 0.64 and 0.29 μg/m3 at DOR 1:25 and 1:100, both higher than 0.11 μg/m3 from the slick of pure crude oil. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd
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