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Hydrocarbon Biorefinery: Sustainable Processing of Biomass for Hydrocarbon Biofuels
, K. Gayen, T.K. Bhowmick
Published in Elsevier
Pages: 1 - 442
Sustainable production of hydrocarbon biofuels from biomass, fuels that are fully compatible with existing internal combustion engines, will allow the global transport economy to transition to a sustainable energy source without the need for capital-intensive new infrastructures. Hydrocarbon Biorefinery: Sustainable Processing of Biomass for Hydrocarbon Biofuels presents a comprehensive and easy to understand consolidation of existing knowledge for the production of hydrocarbon biofuels from biomass. Three major areas for the conversion of biomass to hydrocarbon biofuels are addressed: i) Chemical and thermochemical conversion processes, ii) Biological and biochemical conversion processes, and iii) Conversion processes of biomass-derived compounds. Additionally, the book includes process design, life cycle analysis of various processes, reaction engineering, catalysts, process conditions and process concepts, and is supported with detailed case studies. The economic viability of each process is specifically addressed to provide a clear guide for the economic development of future hydrocarbon biofuels. Hydrocarbon Biorefinery: Sustainable Processing of Biomass for Hydrocarbon Biofuels offers an all-in-one resource for researchers, graduate students, and industry professionals working in the area of bioenergy and will be of interest to energy engineers, chemical engineers, bioengineers, chemists, agricultural researchers, and mechanical engineers. Furthermore, this book provides structured foundational content on biorefineries for undergraduate and graduate students. © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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JournalData powered by TypesetHydrocarbon Biorefinery: Sustainable Processing of Biomass for Hydrocarbon Biofuels
PublisherData powered by TypesetElsevier