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How Useful Is Image-Based Active Learning for Plant Organ Segmentation?
S. Rawat, A.L. Chandra, S.V. Desai, , S. Ninomiya, W. Guo
Published in American Association for the Advancement of Science
Volume: 2022
Training deep learning models typically requires a huge amount of labeled data which is expensive to acquire, especially in dense prediction tasks such as semantic segmentation. Moreover, plant phenotyping datasets pose additional challenges of heavy occlusion and varied lighting conditions which makes annotations more time-consuming to obtain. Active learning helps in reducing the annotation cost by selecting samples for labeling which are most informative to the model, thus improving model performance with fewer annotations. Active learning for semantic segmentation has been well studied on datasets such as PASCAL VOC and Cityscapes. However, its effectiveness on plant datasets has not received much importance. To bridge this gap, we empirically study and benchmark the effectiveness of four uncertainty-based active learning strategies on three natural plant organ segmentation datasets. We also study their behaviour in response to variations in training configurations in terms of augmentations used, the scale of training images, active learning batch sizes, and train-validation set splits. © 2022 Shivangana Rawat et al.
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetPlant Phenomics
PublisherData powered by TypesetAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science