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High Speed Silicon Wet Bulk Micromachining of Si{111} in KOH Based Solution
A.V.N. Rao, , P.K. Menon, H. Tanaka, K. Sato,
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
The etching characteristics of Si{111} in pure and NH2OH-added 20 wt% KOH are investigated for the fabrication of MEMS structures using silicon wet bulk micromachining. The addition of NH2OH favorably modifies the etching characteristics of 20 wt% KOH, which are useful for high speed silicon wet bulk micromachining for the fabrication MEMS structures such as cavities, microcantilevers, etc. In addition, the lateral undercutting rate drastically increases in NH2OH-added KOH, which is a desirable property for the fast release of freestanding micro/nanoelectromechanical systems (M/NEMS) structures. © 2020 IEEE.