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Heat transfer to power-law fluids from a heated square cylinder
A.K. Dhiman, R.P. Chhabra,
Published in
Volume: 52
Issue: 2
Pages: 185 - 201
Forced-convection heat transfer to power-law fluids from a heated square cylinder has been investigated numerically for the range of conditions 1Re45, 0.5n2.0 and 1Pr100 (the maximum Peclet number being 4,000). In this range of Reynolds number, the flow is known to be steady and two-dimensional. The variation of the local Nusselt number on the individual surfaces of the square cylinder and the representative isotherm plots, for both the constant-temperature and uniform-heat-flux boundary conditions prescribed on the surface of the square obstacle, are presented to elucidate the role of Reynolds number, Prandtl number, and power-law index on the heat transfer characteristics. Using the present numerical data, appropriate predictive correlations are obtained for estimating the value of the mean heat transfer coefficient in a new application.
About the journal
JournalNumerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications