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Growth of crystalline Gd2O3 thin films with a high-quality interface on Si(100) by low-temperature H2O-assisted atomic layer deposition
A.P. Milanov, K. Xu, A. Laha, E. Bugiel, , D. Schwendt, H.J. Osten, H. Parala, R.A. Fischer, A. Devi
Published in
Volume: 132
Issue: 1
Pages: 36 - 37
(Figure Presented) This work documents the first example of deposition of high-quality Gd2O3 thin films in a surface-controlled, self-limiting manner by a water-based atomic layer deposition (ALD) process using the engineered homoleptic gadolinium guanidinate precursor [Gd(DPDMG) 3]. The potential of this class of compound is demonstrated in terms of a true ALD process, exhibiting pronounced growth rates, a high-quality interface between the film and the substrate without the need for any additional surface treatment prior to the film deposition, and most importantly, encouraging electrical properties. © 2010 American Chemical Society.
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JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society