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Focused crawling with scalable ordinal regression solvers
R. Babaria, , S. Krishnan, K.R. Sivaramakrishnan, C. Bhattacharyya, M.N. Murty
Published in
Volume: 227
Pages: 57 - 64
In this paper we propose a novel, scalable, clustering based Ordinal Regression formulation, which is an instance of a Second Order Cone Program (SOCP) with one Second Order Cone (SOC) constraint. The main contribution of the paper is a fast algorithm, CB-OR, which solves the proposed formulation more eficiently than general purpose solvers. Another main contribution of the paper is to pose the problem of focused crawling as a large scale Ordinal Regression problem and solve using the proposed CB-OR. Focused crawling is an efficient mechanism for discovering resources of interest on the web. Posing the problem of focused crawling as an Ordinal Regression problem avoids the need for a negative class and topic hierarchy, which are the main drawbacks of the existing focused crawling methods. Experiments on large synthetic and benchmark datasets show the scalability of CB-OR. Experiments also show that the proposed focused crawler outperforms the state-of-the-art.
About the journal
JournalACM International Conference Proceeding Series