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FLUID: Few-Shot Self-Supervised Image Deraining
S.N. Rai, R. Saluja, C. Arora, , A. Subramanian, C.V. Jawahar
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Pages: 418 - 427
Self-supervised methods have shown promising results in denoising and dehazing tasks, where the collection of the paired dataset is challenging and expensive. However, we find that these methods fail to remove the rain streaks when applied for image deraining tasks. The method's poor performance is due to the explicit assumptions: (i) the distribution of noise or haze is uniform and (ii) the value of a noisy or hazy pixel is independent of its neighbors. The rainy pixels are non-uniformly distributed, and it is not necessarily dependant on its neighboring pixels. Hence, we conclude that the self-supervised method needs to have some prior knowledge about rain distribution to perform the deraining task. To provide this knowledge, we hypothesize a network trained with minimal supervision to estimate the likelihood of rainy pixels. This leads us to our proposed method called FLUID: Few Shot Sel f-Supervised Image Deraining.We perform extensive experiments and comparisons with existing image deraining and few-shot image-to-image translation methods on Rain 100L and DDN-SIRR datasets containing real and synthetic rainy images. In addition, we use the Rainy Cityscapes dataset to show that our method trained in a few-shot setting can improve semantic segmentation and object detection in rainy conditions. Our approach obtains a mIoU gain of 51.20 over the current best-performing deraining method. [Project Page] © 2022 IEEE.