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Field effect transistors and photodetectors based on nanocrystalline graphene derived from electron beam induced carbonaceous patterns
, V.S. Bhadram, C. Narayana, G.U. Kulkarni
Published in
Volume: 23
Issue: 42
We describe a transfer-free method for the fabrication of nanocrystalline graphene (nc-graphene) on SiO 2 substrates directly from patterned carbonaceous deposits. The deposits were produced from the residual hydrocarbons present in the vacuum chamber without any external source by using an electron beam induced carbonaceous deposition (EBICD) process. Thermal treatment under vacuum conditions in the presence of Ni catalyst transformed the EBIC deposit into nc-graphene patterns, confirmed using Raman and TEM analysis. The nc-graphene patterns have been employed as an active p-type channel material in a field effect transistor (FET) which showed a hole mobility of 90cm 2V 1s 1. The nc-graphene also proved to be suitable material for IR detection. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.
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