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Ferromagnetism and magnetodielectric effect in insulating LaBi Mn43 Co23 O6 thin films
, A.K. Kundu, M. Filippi, B. Kundys, W. Prellier, B. Raveau, J. Laverdìre, M.P. Singh, S. Jandl
Published in
Volume: 92
Issue: 6
High quality epitaxial thin films of LaBi Mn43 Co23 O6 perovskite were fabricated on (001)-oriented SrTi O3 and LaAl O3 substrates by the pulsed laser deposition technique. Magnetization measurements reveal a strong magnetic anisotropy and a ferromagnetic behavior that is in agreement with a superexchange interaction between Mn4+ and Co2+ ions, which are randomly distributed in the B site. A distinct anomaly is observed in the dielectric measurements at 130 K corresponding to the onset of the magnetic ordering, suggesting a coupling. Above this temperature, the extrinsic Maxwell-Wagner effect is dominating. These results are explained using the Raman spectroscopic studies indicating a weak spin-lattice interaction around this magnetic transition. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
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JournalApplied Physics Letters