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Faster parameterized algorithms for deletion to split graphs
E. Ghosh, S. Kolay, M. Kumar, P. Misra, , A. Rai, M.S. Ramanujan
Published in
Volume: 7357 LNCS
Pages: 107 - 118
An undirected graph is said to be split if its vertex set can be partitioned into two sets such that the subgraph induced on one of them is a complete graph and the subgraph induced on the other is an independent set. We study the problem of deleting the minimum number of vertices or edges from a given input graph so that the resulting graph is split.We initiate a systematic study and give efficient fixed-parameter algorithms and polynomial sized kernels for the problem. More precisely, 1 for Split Vertex Deletion, the problem of determining whether there are k vertices whose deletion results in a split graph, we give an algorithm improving on the previous best bound of . We also give an -sized kernel for the problem. 2 For Split Edge Deletion, the problem of determining whether there are k edges whose deletion results in a split graph, we give an algorithm. We also prove the existence of an kernel. In addition, we note that our algorithm for Split Edge Deletion adds to the small number of subexponential parameterized algorithms not obtained through bidimensionality, and on general graphs. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
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JournalLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)