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Fast and robust extraction of reliable protein signal profiles from mass spectrometry data by introducing the concept of Single Channel ICA with statistical offset correction
M. Neehar,
Published in
PMID: 24110282
Volume: 2013
Pages: 2692 - 2695
In this paper, we introduce the concept of Single Channel Independent Component Analysis (SCICA) for fast extraction of protein profiles from the mass spectra data. Subsequently we propose one offset-correction scheme on the basis of the statistical data analysis of the SCICA-based estimated protein profiles to ensure robustness of the proposed algorithm. The proposed method is also validated rigorously against the simulated data. Such concept, to the best of our knowledge is proposed for the first time in this context of protein profiling and we envisage that the proposed concept will find potential applications in bio-marker discovery especially for cancers.
About the journal
JournalConference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference