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Extreme Gradient Boosting Based Improved Classification of Blood-Brain-Barrier Drugs
M. Subha Ramakrishnan,
Published in IOS Press BV
PMID: 35612231
Volume: 294
Pages: 872 - 873
In this study, the analysis based on boosting approach namely linear and tree method are explored in extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) to classify blood brain barrier drugs using clinical phenotype. The clinical phenotype features of BBB drugs are Public available SIDER dataset. The clinical features namely drug's side effect, drug's indication and the combination is fed to XGBoost. Results shows that the proposed approach is able to discriminate BBB drugs. The combination of XGBoost with tree boosting is found to be most accurate (F1=78.5%) in classifying BBB drugs. This method of tree boosting in XGBoost may be extended to access the drugs for precision medicine. © 2022 European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) and IOS Press.
About the journal
JournalStudies in Health Technology and Informatics
PublisherIOS Press BV