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Experimental measurement of density, pressure and temperature fields in a supersonic free jet using Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry
, O. Ivanchenko, A.K. Agrawal, S. Ólçmen
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A supersonic free jet facility is designed and the density, static pressure and static temperature distributions are obtained using intrusive probes and non-intrusive Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry (RSD) technique. The supersonic flow field was generated by a converging-diverging (C-D) nozzle flow (M=1.5, Dexit=26 mm) exhausting into the atmosphere. The jet stagnation pressure was varied to obtain overexpanded, underexpanded and fully expanded flow fields. Flow Mach number was measured using a conical probe while the total pressure was measured using a Pitot tube. The Mach number and the total pressure data were next used to calculate the static pressure. The RSD technique was used to obtain the distributions of density, pressure, and temperature. Comparison between probe and RSD measurements shows only qualitative agreement. Future work with focus on reducing the probe measurement uncertainties and on improving the optical setup used for the RSD measurements. Copyright © 2008 by Pankaj.S. Kolhe , Oleksandr Ivanchenko, Ajay K. Agrawal and Semih Olcmen.
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Journal46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit