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Experimental investigation on flexural strength behaviour of reactive powder concrete
R. Selvapriya, P. Tamilchelvan, , S. Supriya
Published in Elsevier Ltd
The performance of a composite conventional beam and a reactive powder concrete beam with various forms of reinforcement, such as PVC tubes, stainless steel tubes, and normal reinforcement, is compared in this project through an experimental comparison. In this study, experimental research on four specimens of conventional concrete beams and four specimens of reactive powder concrete beams was conducted using the two point loading test method, and mechanical properties such as flexural strength of composite beams were tested for M20 grade of conventional concrete beams and reactive powder concrete beams. The flexural strength of reactive powder concrete beams combined with conventional composite beams. Comparing the composite Reactive powder concrete beam with normal reinforcement to the composite concrete beam with normal reinforcement, the flexural strength is enhanced by 8.78%. Comparing the composite Reactive powder concrete beam with stainless steel reinforcement to the composite concrete beam with stainless steel reinforcement, the flexural strength is increased by 7.58%. When compared to composite concrete with PVC reinforcement, the composite Reactive powder concrete beam has a 5.6% higher flexural strength. © 2023
About the journal
JournalMaterials Today: Proceedings
PublisherElsevier Ltd