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Experimental analysis of NGM coal particles behaviour in DMC
V.A.K. Aketi, K. Suresh, , P.S. Jodan, G.E. Sreedhar, R. Shiva Kumar, R. Kumar
Published in Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum
Pages: 939 - 948
In most of the coal washeries, Dense Medium Cyclone's (DMC) are deployed to treat coarse coal fraction in the range of 50-0.5 mm. DMC's are very popular due to its ability of high tonnage, ease of operation and effective separation at high near-gravity material (NGM) in feed coal. The ease or difficulty of washing is merely depending on the NGM fraction present in run of mine coal. However, the quantitative effect of NGM on DMC performance was not explored in the literature. Hence, in this investigation, the influence of NGM on DMC performance is focused. With the help of synthetically prepared coal mixture, the effect of NGM mass fraction on separation efficiency is studied in three different approaches. Firstly, by increasing the NGM coal fraction systematically from low to as high as possible; second by varying the distribution of NGM coal; and third by varying distribution of particles lying just above and below the near-gravity zone. Washability studies are also carried out to establish the theoretical yield for the prepared synthetic mixtures. Pilot-plant experiments are carried out in a 4-inch DMC with 1.4 operating separation density treating coal in the size range of 4 - 0.5 mm. From results, the partition curves are constructed by both density and size wise distributions. It is observed that at higher NGM coal fraction i.e above 60%, the performance of DMC is very poor with significant coal particles misplacement. In second approach with increased distribution at higher density fractions, the separation efficiency reduces. In third series the distribution of fraction in near-gravity zone doesn't much effect the separation except the shift in separation density. It is observed that smaller size (-0.5 mm) coal particle having high NGM content seems have a profound effect on DMC performance leading to significant fines misplacement to wrong products. © IMPC 2018 - 29th International Mineral Processing Congress. All rights reserved.
About the journal
JournalIMPC 2018 - 29th International Mineral Processing Congress
PublisherCanadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum