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Exchange bias and training effects in antiferromagnetically coupled La 0.7Sr 0.3MnO 3/SrRuO 3 superlattices
, J. Vanacken, V.V. Moshchalkov
Published in
Volume: 98
Issue: 1
Exchange bias (EB) and the training effects (TE) in an antiferromagnetically coupled La 0.7Sr 0.3MnO 3/SrRuO 3 superlattices were studied in the temperature range 1.8-150 K. Strong antiferromagnetic (AFM) interlayer coupling is evidenced from AC-susceptibility measurements. Below 100 K, vertical magnetization shifts are present due to the two remanent states corresponding to the two ferromagnetic (FM) layers at FM and AFM coupling condition. After field cooling (FC), significant decrease in the exchange bias field (H EB) is observed when cycling the system through several consecutive hysteresis loops. Quantitative analysis for the variation of H EBvs. number of field cycles (n) indicates an excellent agreement between the theory, based on triggered relaxation phenomena, and our experimental observations. Nevertheless, the crucial fitting parameter K indicates smooth training effect upon repeated field cycling, in accordance with our observation. © Europhysics Letters Association 2012.
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