Volume 6, no. 5, e00095-21, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1128/mSystems.00095-21. The author byline and affiliations should appear as shown in this correction. Page 3: The following should be added to the Fig. 1 legend. ‘This figure was adapted from “Human Coronavirus Structure,” by BioRender.com (2020), retrieved from https://app .biorender.com/biorender-templates.’ Page 21: In the 2nd paragraph of Acknowledgements, “S.M.B. is currently an employee at AstraZeneca, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, and may own stock or stock options; work was initially conducted at Georgetown University Medical Center, with writing, reviewing, and editing continued while working at AstraZeneca. Y.P. is now employed by Pfizer (subsequent to contributions to this project).” should read “S.M.B. is currently an employee at AstraZeneca, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, and may own stock or stock options. Y.P. is affiliated with Pfizer Worldwide Research; the author has no financial interests to declare and contributed as an author prior to joining Pfizer, and the work was not part of a Pfizer collaboration nor was it funded by Pfizer.” Copyright © 2022 Rando et al.