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Erratum: Circadian rhythms in the absence of the clock gene Bmal1 (Science (2020) 367:6479 (800-806) DOI: 10.1126/science.aaw7365)
, U.K. Valekunja, A. Stangherlin, S.A. Howell, A.P. Snijders, G. Damodaran, A.B. Reddy
Published in American Association for the Advancement of Science
PMID: 33510032
Volume: 371
Issue: 6528
After publication of their Report "Circadian rhythms in the absence of the clock gene Bmal1, " the authors discovered an error in the original manuscript. The genotypes (Bmal1+/+and Bmal1-/-) in one of the datasets (liver slice time course) were inadvertently inverted during analysis. This affects some of the panels in Figs. 1 and 3 of the Report and the associated supplementary figures and tables. No other datasets or analyses are affected. These corrections do not change the conclusions of the paper. The following items in the main text have been corrected: • Fig. 1 (B, C, D): Venn diagrams and heatmaps are corrected (Bmal1+/+and Bmal1-/-panels swapped) • Fig. 3 (A, B, C, D): Sequence motif analysis is included for both Bmal1+/+and Bmal1-/-, as are phase distributions and rhythmic expression profiles for the ETS transcription factors. • Sentences in the main text are removed or amended to appropriately correct this genotype inversion. Supplementary figures and tables associated with the inverted liver slice data set have also been corrected: • Tables S1, S2, and S3: Data are swapped to reflect the correct genotype. • Figs. S1, S2, and S3: Liver slice transcriptomics panels are swapped to reflect the correct genotype. • Fig. S6: Rhythmic ETS transcription factors identified in Bmal1 and Bmal1 tissues are swapped to reflect the correct genotype. siRNA depletion analysis of the rhythmic ETS transcription factors identified in Bmal1+/+and Bmal1-/-are depicted. • Fig. S9D: Figure has been updated with corrected liver transcriptomics data. The authors have also corrected the error in this single dataset in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), accession GSE111696. The authors gratefully acknowledge early communication from Kate Abruzzi and colleagues concerning this error, which they found independently. © 2021 American Association for the Advancement of Science. All rights reserved.
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