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Electrical and ion beam analyses of yttrium and yttrium-titanium getter thin films oxidation
C. Bessouet, S. Lemettre, C. Kutyla, A. Bosseboeuf, P. Coste, T. Sauvage, H. Lecoq, O. Wendling, A. Bellamy, Show More
Published in AVS Science and Technology Society
Volume: 39
Issue: 5
Yttrium, titanium, and yttrium-titanium getter thin films were elaborated on silicon by coevaporation in ultrahigh vacuum. Y-Ti films exhibit nanometric crystallites size (18-35 nm) leading to a very high grain boundary density, which is a favorable microstructure for activation at low temperature. The yttrium content in Y-Ti alloys influences grain size, resistance against room temperature oxidation, and gettering performance for oxygen. Y-Ti films with an yttrium content higher than 30% show strong oxygen sorption during annealing at low temperature (<300 °C). After 1 h of annealing at 250 °C, it was estimated that the yttrium-based getter films can trap between 0.2 and 0.5 μmol of oxygen per cm2, while no oxygen sorption was detected for a single metal titanium film. This makes Y-Ti getter alloys attractive candidates for the packaging of MEMS under vacuum with a low bonding temperature. © 2021 Author(s).
About the journal
JournalJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B
PublisherAVS Science and Technology Society