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Electric field effect on magnetization at the Fe/MgO(001) interface
, C.-G. Duan, S.S. Jaswal, E.Y. Tsymbal
Published in
Volume: 96
Issue: 22
Density-functional calculations are performed to explore magnetoelectric effects originating from the influence of an external electric field on magnetic properties of the Fe/MgO(001) interface. It is shown that the effect on the interface magnetization and magnetocrystalline anisotropy can be substantially enhanced if the electric field is applied across a dielectric material with a large dielectric constant. In particular, we predict an enhancement of the interface magnetoelectric susceptibility by a factor of the dielectric constant of MgO over that of the free standing Fe (001) surface. We also predict a significant effect of electric field on the interface magnetocrystalline anisotropy due to the change in the relative occupancy of the 3d -orbitals of Fe atoms at the Fe/MgO interface. These results may be interesting for technological applications such as electrically controlled magnetic data storage. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
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JournalApplied Physics Letters