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Effect of polymer morphology on p3HT-based solid-state dye sensitized solar cells: An ultrafast spectroscopic investigation
, G. Grancini, A. Petrozza, A. Abrusci, H.J. Snaith, G. Lanzani
Published in
Volume: 21
Issue: 103
Pages: A469 - A474
Solid-state dye sensitized solar cell devices are fabricated with poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) as the hole transporting layer. Upon annealing treatment we obtained .70% increase in the device efficiency compared to un-annealed devices. Our investigation, by means of ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopic characterization, correlates the increased device performances to a more efficient hole-transfer at the dye/polymer interface in the thermally treated P3HT. © 2013 Optical Society of America.
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JournalOptics Express