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Effect of functional anisotropy on the local dynamics of polymer grafted nanoparticles
Published in Royal Society of Chemistry
PMID: 35894123
Volume: 18
Issue: 33
Pages: 6209 - 6221
End-functionalised polymer grafted nanoparticles (PGNs) form bonds when their coronas overlap. The bonded interactions between the overlapping PGNs depend on the energy of the bonds (U). In the present study, oscillatory deformation imposed on a simple system with interacting PGNs placed on the vertices of a triangle is employed to examine the local dynamics as a function of energy of the bonds and the frequency of oscillation relative to the characteristic rupture frequency, ω0 = 2πν exp(−U/kBT), of the bonds. In particular, the effect of functional anisotropy is studied by introducing bonds of two different energies between adjacent PGNs. A multicomponent model developed by Kadre and Iyer, Macromol. Theory Simul., 2021, 30, 2100005, that combines the features of effective interactions between PGNs, self-consistent field theory and master equation approach to study bond kinetics is employed to obtain the local dynamics. The resulting force-strain curves are found to exhibit a simple broken symmetry where Fx (γ, 00001100 00001100 00000000 00110010 01010010 00010010 00010100 00010100 00011000 00010000 00010000 00100000 00100000 ) ≠ −Fx (−γ,− ) and Fy (γ, ) ≠ Fy (−γ,− ) in systems with functional anisotropy. Fourier analysis of the dynamic response reveals that functional anisotropy leads to finite even harmonic terms and systematic variation of both the elastic and dissipative response from that of the isotropic systems. Furthermore, the intra-cycle variations in the strain stiffening and shear thickening ratios obtained from the analysis indicate that functional anisotropy leads to anisotropic nonlinear response. © 2022 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
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