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Effect of Cr substitution on transport and magnetic ordering in Nd 0.50Sr0.50Mn1-xCrxO3 (0.001≤x≤0.20)
C.M. Srivastava, R.K. Dwivedi, , A.K. Nigam, D. Bahadur
Published in
Volume: 284
Issue: 1-3
Pages: 239 - 252
Chromium substitution in the charge ordered compound Nd 0.50Sr0.50MnO3 has been studied within the concentration range of 20% to examine its effect on magnetic and transport properties. It is found that the system comprises of three distinct magnetic phases whose percentage depends on the chromium concentration, the temperature and the external magnetic field. As the system is cooled, it changes from paramagnetic insulating type to a predominantly ferromagnetic metal (FM) and finally to a dominating anti-ferromagnetic insulating phase with A, CE or C-type of order depending on the chromium concentration. The appearance of three symmetrical loops in the hysteresis curve of M vs. H at 5K for x = 0.01 indicates the simultaneous presence of C, A and FM type phases in the system. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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JournalJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials