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Effect of aspect ratio variation on subsonic aerodynamics of cascade type grid fin at different gap-to-chord ratios
Manish.tripathi1189@gmail.com Tripathi, , A. Misra
Published in Cambridge University Press
Volume: 124
Issue: 1274
Pages: 472 - 498
This paper dwells upon investigating the effect of aspect ratio (AR) variation on the aerodynamic performance of unconventional control surfaces called grid fins by virtue of a series of subsonic experiments on a simplified grid fin variant called the cascade fin. Wind tunnel tests were performed for different AR (variable span) grid fins. The same had been investigated for different gap-to-chord ratio (g/c) variants. Results demonstrated a tangible increase in the aerodynamic efficiency as well as stall angle reduction for higher AR. Moreover, higher AR leads to increased pitching moment, which emphasizes elevated hinge moment requirements. The study ensued the presence of higher deviation between the low AR fins, that is
About the journal
JournalAeronautical Journal
PublisherCambridge University Press