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Distinguishing inert Higgs doublet and inert triplet scenarios
Published in Springer
Volume: 80
Issue: 8
In this article we consider a comparative study between Type-I 2HDM and Y= 0 , SU(2) triplet extensions having one Z2-odd doublet and triplet that render the desired dark matter(DM). For the inert doublet model (IDM) either a neutral scalar or pseudoscalar can be the DM, whereas for inert triplet model (ITM) it is a CP-even scalar. The bounds from perturbativity and vacuum stability are studied for both the scenarios by calculating the two-loop beta functions. While the quartic couplings are restricted to 0.1 - 0.2 for a Planck scale perturbativity for IDM, these are much relaxed (0.8) for ITM. The RG-improved potentials by Coleman-Weinberg show the regions of stability, meta-stability and instability of the electroweak vacuum. The constraints coming from DM relic, the direct and indirect experiments like XENON1T, LUX and H.E.S.S., Fermi-LAT allow the DM mass ≳700,1176 GeV for IDM, ITM respectively. Though mass-splitting among Z2-odd particles in IDM is a possibility for ITM we have to rely on loop-corrections. The phenomenological signatures at the LHC show that the mono-lepton plus missing energy with prompt and displaced decays in the case of IDM and ITM can distinguish such scenarios at the LHC along with other complementary modes. © 2020, The Author(s).
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