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Distance relay co-ordination using support vector machines in power transmission system
, D. Thukaram, H.P. Khincha
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In this paper, a new approach to enhance the Transmission system distance relay co-ordination is presented. The approach depends on the apparent impedance loci seen by the distance relay during all possible disturbances. In a distance relay, the impedance loci seen at the relay location is obtained by extensive transient stability studies. Support Vector Machines (SVMs), a class of patterns classifiers are used in discriminating zone settings (Zone-1, Zone-2 and Zone-3) using the signals to be used by the relay. Studies on a sample 9-bus are presented for illustrating the proposed scheme. © 2008 IEEE.
About the journal
Journal2008 Joint International Conference on Power System Technology POWERCON and IEEE Power India Conference, POWERCON 2008