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Direct measurement of the angular dependence of the single-photon ionization of aligned N2 and CO2+
I. Thomann, R. Lock, , E. Gagnon, S.T. Pratt, H.C. Kapteyn, M.M. Murnane, W. Li
Published in
Volume: 112
Issue: 39
Pages: 9382 - 9386
By combining a state-of-the-art high-harmonic ultrafast soft X-ray source with field-free dynamic alignment, we map the angular dependence of molecular photoionization yields for the first time for a nondissociative molecule. The observed modulation in ion yield as a function of molecular alignment is attributed to the molecular frame transition dipole moment of single-photon ionization to the X, A and B states of N2+ and CO 2+. Our data show that the transition dipoles for single-photon ionization of N2 and CO2 at 43 eV have larger perpendicular components than parallel ones. A direct comparison with published theoretical partial wave ionization cross-sections confirms these experimental observations, which are the first results to allow such comparison with theory for bound cation states. The results provide the first step toward a novel method for measuring molecular frame transition dipole matrix elements. © 2008 American Chemical Society.
About the journal
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry A