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Development of robust, ultra-smooth, flexible and transparent regenerated silk composite films for bio-integrated electronic device applications
D.V.S.K. Gunapu, Y.B. Prasad, V.S. Mudigunda, P. Yasam, , ,
Published in Elsevier B.V.
PMID: 33571588
Volume: 176
Pages: 498 - 509
Regenerated Silk Fibroin (RSF) films are considered promising substrate candidates primarily in the field of bio-integrated electronic device applications. The key issues that ought to be addressed to exploit the inherent advantages of silk thin films include enhancing their flexibility and chemical durability. Such films find a plethora of applications, the significant one being conformal, transparent microelectrode arrays. Elevated temperatures that are regularly used in lithographic processes tend to dehydrate RSF films, making them brittle. Furthermore, the solvents/etchants used in typical device fabrication results in the formation of micro-cracks. This paper addressed both these issues by developing composite films and studying the effect of biodegradable additives in enhancing flexibility and chemical durability without compromising on optical transparency and surface smoothness. Through our rigorous experimentation, regenerated silk blended with Polyvinyl Alcohol (Silk/PVA) is identified as the composite for achieving the objectives. Furthermore, the Cyto-compatibility studies suggest that Silk/PVA, along with all other silk composites, have shown above 80% cell viability, as verified using L929 fibroblast cell lines. Going a step further, we demonstrated the successful patterning of 32 channel optically transparent microelectrode array (MEA) pattern, with a minimum feature size of 5 μm above the free-standing and optically transparent Silk/PVA composite film. © 2021 Elsevier B.V.
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules
PublisherData powered by TypesetElsevier B.V.
Authors (3)