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Development of fast controls for beam wire scanner for super KEKB
, T. Okazaki, N. Iida, K. Furukawa
Published in Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW)
Pages: 57 - 59
Recent development towards the data acquisition system of the wire scanner (WS) systems of the SuperKEKB injector linac (LINAC) and beam transport lines (BT's) is described. A VME based system, comprised of charge sensitive ADC (CSADC) board, scaler board, DAC board and Event receiver board, has been installed. The primary aim of the system is to utilise global linac event timing system for synchronized and mode-dependent data acquisition. A set of EPICS device driver has been developed for new hardware e.g. CSADC, scaler and DAC boards. The combination of latest versions of firmware and EPICS device driver for Micro Research Finland (MRF) Event receiver board is also evaluated and further incorporated in this system. The application software is developed for simultaneous acquisition of multiple beam mode data during multimode injection of the LINAC. The developed system is tested successfully after integrating with the existing wire scanner driving mechanism. The system enables the beam size measurements at four consecutive locations that derive Twiss parameters and ensure the reliable beam transport to four downstream storage rings. © 2012 by the respective authors.
About the journal
JournalPCaPAC 2012 - 9th International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls
PublisherJoint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW)