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Crystal structure, thermal and dielectric studies of a new polymorph of thiamine iodide hydroiodide
S. Prasanna, K. Rajendra Babu, , C.M.K. Nair
Published in
Volume: 3
Issue: 3
Pages: 1421 - 1428
The crystal structure of the polymorphic form of thiamine iodide hydro iodide has been determined using single crystal X ray diffraction method. The crystal data obtained are: space group: P21/n, a=13.7883(10)Å, b=7.4330(5)Å, c=17.8082(13)Å, β=101.621(2)o Z=4. The cations and anions are linked by O-H--I hydrogen bonds, CH-- I interactions and I-- thiazolium ring close contacts. The thiaminium cation adopts a F conformation. FT-IR and CHNS studies supports the crystal structure and the molecular formula. TG/DT analysis was carried out to study its thermal properties. UV-Vis -NIR spectroscopy and dielectric studies at ambient temperature were used to determine the energy gap (Eg) and polarisability of the grown crystals.
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JournalInternational Journal of ChemTech Research