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Correlation between surface integrity characteristics in high-speed grinding of Ti-6Al-4V
Published in Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Volume: 27
Issue: 3
Pages: 292 - 307
The present article establishes a fundamental correlation between surface integrity characteristics of the finished surface with the normal to tangential force ratio (Fn/Ft) in the grinding of Ti-6Al-4V. The subsurface deformation, crystallographic texture, surface redeposition, and residual stress were studied in the surface integrity characteristics. The XRD result indicated deformation-induced texturing of the α-002 basal plane of Ti-6Al-4V. The gradual reduction in texturing along the depth was confirmed by the Gi-XRD investigation. The relative intensity of the 002 peak was utilized as a quantitative indicator of subsurface deformation. The XRD and the metallographic study revealed a considerable amount of subsurface deformation at a higher grinding speed (vs) and an enhanced material removal rate (MRR). Intense surface redeposition was also observed for higher vs and increased MRR grinding conditions. The surface redeposition was identified as an influencing factor that escalates the subsurface deformation and crystallographic texture. In addition, the residual stress was found to be more compressive at enhanced vs and MRR. Further, a higher force ratio Fn/Ft was noticed for the grinding conditions that revealed significant subsurface deformation, strong crystallographic texture, surface redeposition, and more compressive residual stress. Eventually, a correlation was found between the force ratio Fn/Ft and all these surface integrity characteristics. © 2023 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
About the journal
JournalMachining Science and Technology
PublisherTaylor and Francis Ltd.