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Co-genesis of matter and dark matter with vector-like fourth generation leptons
C. Arina, R.N. Mohapatra,
Published in
Volume: 720
Issue: 1-3
Pages: 130 - 136
We discuss aspects of a scenario for co-genesis of matter and dark matter which extends the standard model by adding a fourth generation vector-like lepton doublet and show that if the fourth neutrino is a massive pseudo-Dirac fermion with mass in the few hundred GeV range and mass splitting of about 100 keV, its lighter component can be a viable inelastic dark matter candidate. Its relic abundance is produced by the CP violating out-of-equilibrium decay of the type-II seesaw scalar triplet, which also gives rise to the required baryon asymmetry of the Universe via type-II leptogenesis, thus providing a simultaneous explanation of dark matter and baryon abundance observed today. Moreover, the induced vacuum expectation value of the same scalar triplet is responsible for the sub-eV Majorana masses to the three active neutrinos. A stable fourth generation of neutrinos is elusive at collider, however might be detected by current dark matter direct search experiments. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
About the journal
JournalPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics