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Classification of Drury-Arveson-type Hilbert modules associated with certain directed graphs
S. Chavan, , S. Trivedi
Published in Theta Foundation
Volume: 81
Issue: 1
Pages: 21 - 60
Given a directed Cartesian product I of locally finite, leafless, rooted directed trees I1, . . ., Id of finite joint branching index, one may associate with I the Drury-Arveson-type C[z1, . . ., zd]-Hilbert module ℋca (I) of vector-valued holomorphic functions on the unit ball Bd in Cd, where a > 0. The main result of this paper classifies all directed Cartesian products I for which the Hilbert modules ℋca (I ) are isomorphic in case a is an integer. Indeed, a careful analysis of these Hilbert modules allows us to prove that the cardinality of generations of I1, . . ., Id are complete invariants for ℋca (·) if ad ≠ 1. © THETA, 2019.
About the journal
JournalJournal of Operator Theory
PublisherTheta Foundation