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Characteristics, treatment of wastewaters from rubber factory
V. Kothandaraman, K.M. Aboo,
Published in
Volume: 23
Issue: 2
Pages: 123 - 133
An in-plant survey followed by flow measurement was carried out in a typical factory producing about 3200 tonnes rubber latex concentrate and 200 tonnes of skim crepe rubber per year. The characteristics of wastewater from different sections as well as of combined wastewater were studied on different occasions. The combined effluent had a BOD varying from 5240 to 6100 mg/1 and ammonia nitrogen content varying from 630-750 mg/1. Raising the pH to 11. 0 and aerating for 1 hour reduce the ammonia nitrogen content by 83. 1%. The BOD is reduced to 480 mg/1 by treating the combined wastewater after aeration for amonia removal in an aerobic lagoon with a detention time of 30 days and a BOD loading rate of 0. 14 kg/cu. m/day. By aerating the effluent from the anaerobic lagoon for 24 hours at a MLSS concentration of 4000 mg/1 and BOD loading rate of 0. 09 kg/kg MLSS, the BOD and COD were reduced to 32 mg/1 and 280 mg/1 respectively.
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JournalIndian Journal of Environmental Health