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Characteristics, treatment of wastewater from Khandasari sugar units
B.V.S. Gurunadha Rao, V. Kothandaraman, M. Rao,
Published in
Volume: 23
Issue: 4
Pages: 288 - 299
In-plant surveys were carried out in four typical Khandasari Sugar Units, followed by characterization studies and flow measurements. It was found that the wastewater discharged varied from 0. 8 to 1. 2 liters per kg of sugar produced. The maximum amount of wastewater is discharged from the bag washing operation. The wastewater from pan washing has the highest BOD. The composite wastewater has a pH varying from 3. 7-5. 2 and BOD of 18,000 to 25,500 mg/l. Settling the composite wastewater for 3 to 4 hours reduced the BOD by 23. 1 to 26. 5% and the suspended solids by 83. 9%. Settled composite wastewater is found to be amenable to treatment in a two-stage anaerobic lagoon followed by an oxidation pond or an aerated lagoon. It was found that the effluent from the primary anaerobic lagoon could be directly treated in an extended aeration system and the BOD could be brought down to around 30 mg/l. Information on detention times and loading rate for each unit is collected.
About the journal
JournalIndian Journal of Environmental Health