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Characteristics and treatment of waste water from liquid glucose manufacturing unit. A case study
P. Murahari Rao, S.P. Subramanian, B.V.S. Gurunadha Rao,
Published in
Volume: 24
Issue: 1
Pages: 44 - 57
An in-plant survey was carried out in a factory producing liquid glucose in South India. The water used in this factory is about 2500 cu. m/day. The daily discharge of waste water was 2142 cu. m to 2356 cu. m/day including the barometric condenser water of about 1500 cu. m/day. Settling the combined waste water with or without barometric condenser water and ion exchange regeneration waste water for four hrs reduced the BOD by 37. 5 to 41. 3 per cent and suspended solids by 80. 0 to 95 per cent. Waste water was found to amenable to treatment in anerobic loagoons followed by aerated lagoons or extended aeration unit. Based on these studies two alternative flow sheets were developed for the treatment of these waste waters.
About the journal
JournalIndian Journal of Environmental Health