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Characterisation and treatment of wastes from an explosive factory
V. Kothandaraman, V. Hanulmanlu,
Published in
Volume: 16
Issue: 4
Pages: 360 - 369
An in plant survey of the wastes from an explosives factory was made. Data were collected on the hourly variations in the composition of individual and composite wastes, and flow measurements were performed. The possibility of segregating strong wastes from weak wastes was examined. The combined wastes of the factory (1.26 million gal/day) was highly acidic, with a pH value of 2.1 to 4.6. It was found from experiments that neutralization of the combined wastes with a lime dose (60% CaO) of about 500 mg/l raised the pH to above 6.2 and reduced the BOD to 18 to 20 mg/l. A complete neutralization plant for treating the combined wastes was designed and the capital costs of this plant were estimated.
About the journal
JournalIndian Journal of Environmental Health